


Formation Evaluation and Interpretation Services.


  • Single well petrophysical study, with report.
  • Multiple wells (or field-wide) petrophysical study, with report.
  • Formation evaluation planning.
  • Wireline operation real-time (online) supervision, with QC and real-time interpretation.
  • Wireline operation on-site supervision, with QC and real-time interpretation.



    Software Solutions

    Develop a customized interpretation workflow.


  • Standalone software solutions in C# and Python.
  • Integration with Schlumberger Techlog.
  • Office automation and operation workflow solutions.
  • Data access libraries.

       Check Our free software.





    Education for Geoscience personnel.


  • Basic Petrophysics and Schlumberger Techlog (software license not provided) - 5-day training course.
  • Advanced Petrophysics and Schlumberger Techlog (software license not provided) - 5-day training course.
  • Petrel Basic Training and Coaching (software license not provided) - 5-day training course.
  • Python Scripting for Geoscientists - 3-day training course.
  • Techlog Image Analysis (software license not provided) - 5-day training course.
  • Techlog Petrophysical Analysis (software license not provided) - 5-day training course.
  • Geoacoustics and Basic Geomechanics (software license not provided) - 5-day training course.
  • 1-D Geomechanics Modelling and Drilling Applications (software license not provided) - 5-day training course.
  • Modern borehole acoustics - 3-hour presentation.
  • The Dark Art of Cement Bond Log - 3-hour presentation.
  • Wireline Formation Testing and Sampling - 1-day training course.

       See Course Synopsis Page for full details.




    Data Services

    Formation Evaluation Data Conversion and Archiving.


  • Setting up multi-well data archive, with corresponding software installation. User training included.
  • Conversion between oilfield formats (LAS, LIS, DLIS, SEG-Y, etc.).
  • Data harmonization (channel names and units) between multiple wells.
  • Data loading into Techlog and/or Petrel.

    Note: Hence all petrophysical and geophysical interpretations are opinions based on indirect observations from the electrical and other measurements, we cannot and do not guarantee the accuracy, or correctness, or suitability for purpose of such interpretations or answer products, and we may not be held liable or responsible for any loss, cost, or damage due to the use of such interpretations.





    New species in Codelets Zoo!


    Updated the SlideComposer on-line help.


    PETRONODE website undergoes a major facelift, using Python and Flask.


    Completed chapters 17 - 20 of Limits to Limits.


    Added chapters 13 - 16 of Limits to Limits.


    Updated Course Synopses.


    Added chapters 11 and 12 of Limits to Limits.


    Published first 10 chapters of Limits to Limits.