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The Dark Art of Cement Bond Log


This presentation is intended to de-mystify the cement bond log and other cement quality evaluation methods. The original version was presented back in 2008 and 2009 in Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk. This is the latest version - for the presentation done in Brisbane on the 28-Sep-2012 as part of the SPE one-day training event.


Note: Hence all petrophysical and geophysical interpretations are opinions based on indirect observations from the electrical and other measurements, we cannot and do not guarantee the accuracy, or correctness, or suitability for purpose of such interpretations or answer products, and we may not be held liable or responsible for any loss, cost, or damage due to the use of such interpretations.



«Shark Fin» Function and the Great Recession / «Акулий Плавник» и кризис 2015 года (in Russian)


Про функцию «Акулий Плавник» много говорят на форумах, но я что-то не видел в сети хорошего математического обоснования. Для любителей копнуть несколько глубже вчерашних новостей о Конце Света - эта статья.

Скачать код модели. Для запуска требуются NUMPY и MATPLOTLIB.




Limits to Limits / «Пределы роста и рост пределов» (in Russian)


Первые 20 глав книги по следам «Пределов Роста»

Скачать код модели. Для запуска требуются NUMPY и MATPLOTLIB.






New species in Codelets Zoo!


Updated the SlideComposer on-line help.


PETRONODE website undergoes a major facelift, using Python and Flask.


Completed chapters 17 - 20 of Limits to Limits.


Added chapters 13 - 16 of Limits to Limits.


Updated Course Synopses.


Added chapters 11 and 12 of Limits to Limits.


Published first 10 chapters of Limits to Limits.